PDF⋙ Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education (5th Edition) by Janet Gonzalez-Mena
Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education (5th Edition) by Janet Gonzalez-Mena
Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education (5th Edition) by Janet Gonzalez-Mena PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Written in an accessible style for all those who work with young children or will, the author asks the reader to think of the child in the context of the family and community. Reorganized and updated, the book continues to examine developmental theory, but now with a greater emphasis on Bronfenbrenner's theory of ecological development, discussed in Chapter 1, and more on the importance of contexts of development woven throughout. The book goes beyond encouraging mere parent involvement to how to develop a true collaboration and working relationship through good communication. It also continues to have strong coverage of cultural diversity and present personal examples and vignettes.
The text explores many hot-button issues of the day such as supporting self-esteem, discipline, attachment, coping with separation, teen parents, child-abuse, children with ADHD, shy children, aggressive children, conflict resolution, problem solving, and gender issues. Full of real life examples and personal insights, the book is designed and written for not just teachers, but caregivers, child-care workers, and parents. All readers are expected to reach into their own experience, knowledge, ideas and insights to make sense of the new information in the text in the context of their own lives.
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