PDF⋙ Desert Dreams. The Quest for Arab Integration from the Arab Revolt to the Gulf Cooperation Council by Justin Dargin
Desert Dreams. The Quest for Arab Integration from the Arab Revolt to the Gulf Cooperation Council by Justin Dargin
Desert Dreams. The Quest for Arab Integration from the Arab Revolt to the Gulf Cooperation Council by Justin Dargin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
DIVS - ISL, 3 (International Studies Library, 27) This book discusses the history of Arab integration attempts from the late Ottoman period to the creation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Although there is significant scholarship on the history of pan-Arab nationalism and the drive for disparate Arab nations to integrate, there is preciously little literature that seeks to understand the development of closer integration in the Gulf in the context of the long history amongst Arabs of the awareness that a common cultural and social nation exists that should politically and economically collaborate. This book reassesses the history of Arab integration, and argues convincingly, that while the more politically charged "unionist" attempts of Arab political integration may have failed, instead what we can anticipate, based on the illustration of the GCC, is deeper and closer economic, financial, political and social coordination amongst various Arab countries. Table of Contents Preface Introduction Part I: The Birth of the Arab Revolt Chapter 1: Early Stirrings: The Formation of Arab Nationalism Chapter 2: Heeding the Call: Christian and Muslim Arab Intellectuals Conceptualize the Arab Nation Chapter 3: The Birth of the Arab Resistance Chapter 4: Europe's Great Powers promote Independence from the Ottomans Chapter 5: Europe's Great Powers oppose the Arab quest for independence Chapter 6: Returning to the Fold- The Birth of Arab Ottoman Resistance Turkey deserts the "non progressive" Islamic/Arabic World Chapter 7: Germany's influence on Arab political thought Chapter 8: The British creation of the Gulf Status-quo Chapter 9: The German-Arab alliance confronts the Mandatory system Part II: A Region Aflame-Post War Integration Attempts Chapter 10: The New Arab Modernity Chapter 11: The Harbinger of Change: Arab Nationalism in the Gulf Chapter 12: Nasser and the Cold War Era Chapter 13: The Yemeni Gateway: Nasser's Proxy War with Saudi Arabia Chapter 14: The '67 War / The Egyptian "anti-hegemon" falters Chapter 15: Arab Authoritarianism and Economic Development Part III: The Gulf and Structural Arab Integration Chapter 16: A Requiem for Arabism: The GCC and Laying the Foundation for Gulf Arab Integration Chapter 17: The Evolving Geopolitical Environment: The Fall of Pan-Arabism and the Rise of the Shi'ite Lazarus Chapter 18: Towards a more perfect union: Creeping Gulf Integration Chapter 19: A New Security Paradigm? Chapter 20: Transportation Chapter 21: Economic Integration Epilogue: The End of Arab 'Isms' and the Death of Ideology About the Author Justin Dargin is a research fellow at the Dubai Initiative at Harvard University. He specializes in Middle Eastern geopolitics, the Gulf energy sector and the global energy market. He has published extensively on the Gulf and its energy and economic sectors, including, The Dophin Project: The Development of a Gulf Gas Initiative (OIES Press Jan. 2008). He completed his graduate studies at Georgetown University Law Center with distinction.From reader reviews:
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