Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives by Teresa C. Piliouras, Kornel Terplan
Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives by Teresa C. Piliouras, Kornel Terplan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Network Design outlines the fundamental principles and analytical techniques used in designing data networks. The text enables future managers and technical professionals to better understand and appreciate each other's perspective in the network design process.Network managers will need a sound grounding in basic design principles to effectively manage, plan, and assess the plethora of new technologies and equipment available for designing networks. They also must understand how requirements should be formulated and specified for design engineers. Similarly, network designers and engineers need a sound grounding in basic management principles to fully understand how organizational requirements best reflect design recommendations.
Network Design enables network management and design professionals to work together toward achieving their respective goals in the network design process. It outlines basic techniques; reviews major challenges and issues; summarizes prevailing approaches and technologies; describes the specification, design, and planning data network topologies; and assesses specification and evaluation processes in designing and implementing data networks.
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