Modern Experimental Biochemistry (3rd Edition) by Rodney F. Boyer
Modern Experimental Biochemistry (3rd Edition) by Rodney F. Boyer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
KEY BENEFIT The latest edition of this successful text provides readers with a modern and complete experience in experimental biochemistry. Part I, Theory and Experimental Techniques, provides in-depth theoretical discussion organized around important techniques. A valuable reference for instructors and students, it's particularly useful to instructors who prefer to use their own customized experiments. Part II, Experiments, offers optimum flexibility through 15 tested experiments designed to accommodate the capabilities of laboratories and students at most four-year schools. Alternate methods are suggested and labs may be divided into manageable hour segments. The book offers the latest safety and environmental precautions in each experiment to inform students and instructors of potential hazards and proper disposal of materials. For anyone interested in science.
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