PDF⋙ New Mexico: A Promise Made/A Place Called Home/Making Amends (Heartsong Novella Collection) by Janet Lee Barton
New Mexico: A Promise Made/A Place Called Home/Making Amends (Heartsong Novella Collection) by Janet Lee Barton
New Mexico: A Promise Made/A Place Called Home/Making Amends (Heartsong Novella Collection) by Janet Lee Barton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Historical Romance: The harsh realities of life serve as the foundation for three heart-tugging historical stories of love, lost and love found. Emma, desperate to keep the child she vowed to raise for a dying friend, finds herself in the market for a mail-order husband. Beth's heart is pierced with anxiety when the uncle of her deceased fiancé's two young children, an inveterate wanderer, comes to claim the only family he has left Darcie encounters the nephew of her father's killer and faces unforgiveness and hatred in the hidden recesses of her own heart. Three women, three stories, three opportunities for glorious and surprising twists from the hand of God.From reader reviews:
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