Awakening (Children of the Solstice) (Volume 1) by Baltimore Russell, Jennifer Pallanich
Awakening (Children of the Solstice) (Volume 1) by Baltimore Russell, Jennifer Pallanich PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Disasters ring the planet as the earth cries out for heroes to save it. At the same time, an ancient order conspires to fulfill a centuries-old prophecy. Their plan: unleash a deadly tsunami that would destroy North American and European coastlines. Then, at the height of summer, a blinding white light races across the globe, granting a select few incredible gifts. An enigmatic ex-Green Beret trains these powerful misfits in a desperate bid to stop the man-made and natural catastrophes. But can these Children of the Solstice work well enough together and master their new powers in time to halt the prophecy and save humanity from cataclysmic devastation?From reader reviews:
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