Gently Awakened: The Influence of Faith on Your Artistic Journey by Sara Joseph
Gently Awakened: The Influence of Faith on Your Artistic Journey by Sara Joseph PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Creativity is like an unwrapped gift from God. Its contents are mysterious, begging for action. The benevolent Giver eagerly awaits a response. Yet it is often tossed aside after merely removing the outer wrapping.
Too many Christians abandon their creativity, as if they were the hapless recipients of a toy with incomprehensible instructions. They walk away from their destiny-- perhaps their very reason for being gifted in such a time as this. They remain oblivious of their God-authored potential, empowered by faith, to uniquely express the many nuances of their journey with Jesus.
Sara Joseph, an artist in paint, clay and verse, testifies to God's infinite interest in every aspect of her creative enterprise. What she discovered may surprise you. In Gently Awakened, she employs prose, verse, and art to attest to God's faithfulness to the artist.
Far from empty theories, these lessons, forged in the paint-splattered laboratory of her own life, bring clarity to the practical considerations of living out the unique call of a creative Christian.
Such a story could be yours to live, in partnership with your Creator.
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