On Message: Precision Communication for the Digital Age by Theo Theobald
On Message: Precision Communication for the Digital Age by Theo Theobald PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Social media has changed the landscape of communication, and many consumers are facing an information overload. In the digital world, less really is more.
On Message is a valuable take on communications in business to help marketers and small business owners gain and sustain new customers. It bridges the gap between the classic rules of persuasive writing and the increasing demands of new media: from e-mail and blogging to the next generation of social networking. Examining how to capture more followers who listen, both longer and more intently, the book is packed full of exercises, templates, simple formulas, review techniques and progress charts, helping marketers make their written messages memorable, talked about and influential.
By including tips for all media platforms and examples drawn from some of the most famous international orators including Martin Luther King and Barack Obama, On Message shows that whether someone is tweeting, speaking or updating their Facebook status, it's not just the words that are important but whether anybody is listening.
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