The Golden Witch: A Female Pirate in 1690 (Volume 1) by William Burr
The Golden Witch: A Female Pirate in 1690 (Volume 1) by William Burr PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Were there woman pirates at the turn of the 17th century? Only a few roamed the seas and those who became famous, appeared many years later. In the pirate world dominated by vicious and bloodthirsty men, a beautiful, young woman succeeds and finds she is better at pirating than any man she encounters. Jenny, abandoned by her father in a ferocious storm, fights her way to become a crew member on a pirate vessel in the Indian Ocean. Using her wits and beauty, she climbs the ladder of success to become the feared, Golden Witch, and captains her own pirate ship. Adventure after adventure make her and the crew incredibly rich. Looking for new challenges, she sails her ship out of their usual hunting grounds of the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, around the Cape of Good Hope, and into the vast Atlantic. In Scotland, she attempts to live a normal life as a rich and powerful Marquise. Yet, pirating is in her blood and she sails to the New World where volume two continues her wild escapades.From reader reviews:
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