Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia by Michael J. Tyler
Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia by Michael J. Tyler PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Throughout much of the world, frog populations are declining and some species are disappearing totally. In Australia, several species have become extinct in the past 25 years.This revised and updated guide provides concise accounts of all the known frogs of Australia. There are 230 species within the five native frog families: Hylidae, Limnodynastidae, Microhylidae, Myobatrachidae and Ranidae. Also included are the introduced Cane Toad and nine stowaway species that have arrived in Australia.
The text for each species includes details of size, status, distribution, habitat, behavior and advertisement call. Each species is accompanied by a map of Australia showing its known distribution, and a full-color painted illustration. Closely related frogs are shown in identical poses so that comparisons can be made readily. The introductory section of the book covers frog biology and habitats and includes notes on families and genera.
* Revised and updated to include all known frogs of Australia
* Covers 230 species within the five main frog families
* Illustrations of species provide greater detail than photographs
* Closely related frogs are shown in identical poses so that comparisons can be made readily
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