Princess Sophia's Gifts by Diane Hovey
Princess Sophia's Gifts by Diane Hovey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
At its essence, Princess Sophia's Gifts is a true story of a family's survival in the wake of personal tragedy. Written as a fairy tale, the story provides a way to examine the gifts or personal strengths within everyone, especially those who are different. When a kingdom's beloved Princess suffers a tragic accident, it underscores the realization that loss can happen to anyone. Princess Sophia chokes on a seed, and her life changes irrevocably. As she hovers somewhere between life and death, the Princess ''meets'' spirit women who give her special gifts for her return to life as a severely disabled child. Like all families, the Royal family is devastated by Sophia's tragedy. Trying to make sense of it, they journey to find a cure, to restore life to the way it once was. But life will never be the same; in some ways, it may even be better. In a story of unfolding wisdom, the family discovers that not all questions have answers; and that in loss there is also opportunity for growth and healing.From reader reviews:
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