God and Me! Girl's Devotional Vol 2 -- Ages 2-5 by Lynn Klammer
God and Me! Girl's Devotional Vol 2 -- Ages 2-5 by Lynn Klammer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This fully-illustrated girls devotional from RoseKidz® helps toddlers and preschoolers (Ages 2-5) know God and His ways. Volume 2 features over 100 age-appropriate devotions, fun stories, Bible activities, fun crafts, puzzles, and more. Your little girl will love this eye-catching, interactive devotion designed just for toddlers and preschoolers. It includes over 100 kids devotions that will teach her about the Bible and God's plan for her life. Each kids devotion includes an age-appropriate memory verse, story, prayer, and creative activity that will show her that God is her friend and that He cares about her.From reader reviews:
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